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Modular Screens

Our extensive experience has taught us that circular vibrating screens simply do not wear out to the point of failure. More often than not, a screen becomes unusable because of mishandling, foreign materials in the feed or a faulty set up. This generally only happens in one specific area of the screen, which unfortunately still renders the entire screen unusable.

Recognizing this problem, Tec Scrn International designed, developed and patented our Modular Screening System.

Our patented Modular Screen System provides you with both cost savings and the ability to customize product composition.

Download our Modular Screens info sheet.

About Tec Scrn modular screens:

  • Change-out time is 50 per cent faster than full screens – easy, rapid module change-out can be done in mere minutes, even in confined spaces
  • Reduce manpower hours and maximize your machine time
  • Mix or match modules – the ability to use modules of different meshes on the same deck enables you to truly customize your product composition
  • Our Modular Screen Systems allows you to install blanks, which means you never have to shut down your process
  • Modules are small enough for easy storage and convenient to handle in confined areas.
  • Tec Scrn Modules are fully recyclable, further reducing your costs
  • Insert a sheet metal module in areas where heavy wear occurs to reduce your costs even further

About Our Modular Screens


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